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„Humanitäre Verantwortung statt Wegsehen – Maßnahmen gegen den Hunger in Palästina dringend geboten“, fordert der Kanzler

Der deutsche Kanzler besucht Israel kurz vor einer geplanten Offensive der israelischen Armee im Gaza-Streifen. Die Reise verläuft nicht wie geplant, da es mehrfach zu kurzfristigen Änderungen kommt. Doch schließlich erreicht der Kanzler Jerusalem, wo er den israelischen Premierminister Netanjahu trifft. In ihrem Gespräch erinnert Scholz Netanjahu daran, dass ihre Länder gemeinsam für wichtige Werte wie Frieden und Sicherheit stehen sollten. Trotz der angespannten Situation im Gaza-Streifen betonen sie die Bedeutung von Dialog und Zusammenarbeit für eine dauerhafte Lösung des Konflikts. Der Besuch des Kanzlers zeigt die enge Verbundenheit zwischen Deutschland und Israel und ihre Bereitschaft, gemeinsam an einer friedlichen Zukunft zu arbeiten.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz Visits Israel Before Major Military Offensive

Chancellor Olaf Scholz of Germany recently paid a visit to Israel, just before a planned major military offensive in the Gaza Strip by the Israeli army. The trip was marked by numerous last-minute changes in plans, but Scholz finally arrived in Jerusalem to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

A Strong Reminder

During their meeting, Scholz took the opportunity to remind Netanyahu of the shared values that Germany and Israel stand for. He emphasized the importance of dialogue and diplomacy in resolving conflicts, rather than resorting to military actions.

„Benjamin, we must remember that violence only begets more violence. It is crucial that we work together towards finding peaceful solutions to the ongoing tensions in the region,“ Scholz stated firmly.

Challenges Ahead

The situation in the Middle East remains fragile, with tensions running high between Israel and Palestine. The upcoming military offensive by the Israeli army is expected to escalate the conflict further, leading to concerns about civilian casualties and further destabilization of the region.

Netanyahu assured Scholz that Israel is committed to protecting its citizens and ensuring security for the country. However, he also expressed a willingness to engage in dialogue with international partners to find a lasting solution to the conflict.

International Support

Germany has been a strong supporter of Israel, providing political and economic support over the years. Scholz reaffirmed Germany’s commitment to Israel’s security and reiterated the importance of upholding human rights and international law in dealing with the conflict.

„We stand with Israel in its right to defend itself, but we also urge all parties to exercise restraint and work towards a peaceful resolution,“ Scholz stated.


The visit of Chancellor Olaf Scholz to Israel comes at a critical time, as tensions in the region continue to escalate. Both Germany and Israel face challenges in finding a balance between security and peace, but dialogue and diplomacy remain key to resolving conflicts.

As the situation in the Middle East remains complex and volatile, it is essential for all parties to engage in constructive dialogue and work towards finding a peaceful solution to the ongoing conflict. Only through cooperation and mutual respect can a lasting peace be achieved in the region.

„Humanitäre Verantwortung statt Wegsehen – Maßnahmen gegen den Hunger in Palästina dringend geboten“, fordert der Kanzler